Sustainable Fashion and Waste Panel Discussion and Pop-Up Shop @ Eaton House

Lively panel discussion on sustainable fashion and home decor and decreasing fashion waste and pop-up shopping experience.


Five panelists will join moderator and organizer, Crystal of Color Coded Style, at Eaton House in the Eaton DC hotel on October 12th from 7-9pm for a dynamic panel discussion on sustainable fashion and waste and a pop-up shopping experience.

The panelists are well-known local entrepreneurs and academics who live and breath sustainable fashion and home decor.

  • Hear how to be a more sustainable shopper for clothing and furniture.
  • Learn about where our fashion waste goes and it’s impact on the global environment.
  • Discover new shopping options for vintage and thrifted clothing and furniture.
  • Find out more about upcycling and clothing swaps to stretch your clothing budget further, while being sustainable.
  • Shop at the featured pop-ups with panelist Janell H, Stylist of The Manifesting Beauty and Co-Owner of Vintage and Charmed clothing store and Rich Rocket's Vintage Thrivals.

You don’t want to miss this event!

Enjoy an open bar and hors d’oeuvres before and after the panel!

Doors open at 6:30pm for the pop-up shopping experience. Panel starts at 7pm.

This panel by Color Coded Style is in collaboration with Eaton House and The Green Team of Eaton DC.