Goddesses of Love Cacao Ceremony

Join Christina for a powerful, heart-opening Goddesses of Love cacao ceremony.


Join cacao artisan Christina of Secret Cacao Garden for a powerful, heart-opening Goddesses of Love cacao ceremony to initiate us into the warrior path of love and courage. Filling our own cups first—with nectar and all things of nurturance and beauty—allows us to pour into those we love, creating a ripple that changes the world.

Together, we’ll build an altar to love, meditate and receive angelic sound healing, anoint each other’s hearts with vanilla-infused cacao butter, peel roasted Goddess lineage cacao seeds, and sit with Mama Cacao in ceremony—drinking warm cacao beverage made from the seeds we peeled together. Come fill your cup and tune into your Goddess of Love

If you’d like, please wear something special that makes you feel beautiful. Please bring a small item to add to the Love Altar—a Goddess, a crystal, a flower, a candle, a feather; anything that represents love and beauty to you. You may also call upon a Goddess to come to you during the ceremony.


***Guests can choose to an add-on a 9-piece chocolate bar made with the cacao and flowers that were infused with love intentions and prayers from the ceremony, which Christina will finish and have available for pick at Eaton in 7 days.

Collage by local experiential and visual artist Elizabeth Tuten.